Cultivating a Positive Attitude- Reflection


Using worksheet 1-3 as a guide it allowed me to mentally break down the group session in my head and reflect on how the session went and what I could improve on next time. At the beginning of our session we had the group introduce themselves and provided them with a warm up activity to have them talk about those they love/admire to allow each member an opportunity to speak in front of the group. When beginning to discuss our second activity instead of asking for someone to volunteer to begin speaking I singled out a member and asked them if they would like to begin. I'm not really sure what the protocol would be on this as we always say people can choose if they would like to share. I suppose he has the opportunity to turn down the offer.

When providing feedback to the group it's difficult not to try to relate to them and share your own similar experiences. As a therapist you need to find that fine line between being relatable and sharing too much. I felt all members were heard an acknowledged in an empathetic and appropriate way. One member did not share during our activity when we discussed our own negative attitudes and how they can be addressed because we were moving the group session forward and I wandered if she felt like sharing may hold back the group. We should make sure each member had an equal opportunity to share their thoughts or feelings.

When summarizing the session we allotted time for questions from members and provided them with a no complain challenge. It could have been beneficial to have them journal about their experience and how it affected them.


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