Congenital Muscular Dystrophy- Bradley Walker

Bradley Walker is a 39 year old country music singer that was born with a congenital form of muscular dystrophy called congenital myopothy which means he has had this condition since birth. Bradley has been in a wheelchair his entire life so which I feel would be better than being diagnosed with regular muscular dystrophy where you are able to walk and live independently then you slowly lose function in your body before the disease kills you. The life expectancy for someone with muscular dystrophy is very short, whereas Bradley will live a long full life. Audrey made her goals for OT to target muscle fatigue and independent living in his household such as cooking and other ADLs. She also made a goal of his to be able to drive an adaptive vehicle on his own which he is now able to do. Bradley said he has never been sad about the hand he was dealt as he was given the ability to sing and that is freeing to him. He wouldn't trade his voice for a healthy body as he is able to reach people through his music in a special way.


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