The Fundamentals of Caring

The Fundamentals of Caring is a film on Netflix that I chose to watch after going through the list of potential materials looking for another Netflix original to watch, since I enjoyed the other films I watched so much. It also fit that we just had our lecture Monday over muscular dystrophy. The movie is about a kid with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and his caregiver, Ben. Trevor is Ben's first client and right away their dark senses of humor mesh and they are the perfect fit for one another. Trevor had never been very outgoing or adventurous, in fact the idea of breaking away from his normal schedule would send him into a panic attack. Trevor had mapped out a bunch of random places he would like to visit such as the "world's biggest cow" and "the world's deepest pit" but had no intentions of ever visiting those places. Ben and Trevor challenged each other's limits and Trevor's mom agreed to let him go on a road trip to these places with Ben. Along the way they meet Dot who is a girl about Trevor's age and for the first time Trevor feels like a normal teenager getting butterflies from a pretty girl. Dot joins their trip but leaves after they reach their destination to the pit, and they return home where they both have been set free. Trevor is no longer afraid to try new things or break rules and Ben finally signs the divorce papers his wife served him 2 years ago.

This film was a good break from the norm for me as Trevor was not "OK" with the hand he was dealt, which to me was real. People I've watched in other documentaries accept their hand,stay positive, and make the most of their situation.  Trevor was pissed off and when asked if he one day woke up and was fine what is the one thing he would want to do and he simply said, "take a piss standing up." Ben taught Trevor that it is okay to be pissed off about your situation, but not to let it stop you from living. This film made me laugh, cry, and really appreciate that disabilities are becoming more mainstream in media. It allows people to learn about the disability and feel what that individual is going through in a way that reading about it can't do.


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