Memphis Rollin' Grizzlies

Image may contain: 4 people, people playing sports and basketball court

Attention World! I have found my calling; wheelchair basketball. I was given an opportunity through my neuro class in my school's occupational therapy program to go sit in on the Memphis Rollin' Grizzly's wheelchair basketball practice, and it was one of the most humbling experiences I've had in a while. My love of basketball drew me to this opportunity and that is why I decided to do one of my Neuro Notes on what I learned from it. 

I started playing basketball in the second grade and for the next ten years I would dedicate myself to the sport almost year-round. For ten years I took for granted my well-able body and for 15 minutes at the end of practice I got to experience the game from a different perspective. Some of the players on this team were incredible athletes, despite their disability. A few of the guys were amputees that used a wheelchair full time and another had a prosthesis. The most inspiring player I met had been a college basketball player with his dreams set on the NBA before he got shot and is paralyzed from the waist down. It truly makes you appreciate what you have been given. Then a few of the players had no disability and played the sport for good competition and fun.  

This opportunity taught me that no matter what life deals you, you can take that hand and make the most of it. That's what these men are doing when they are in the gym playing the game that they love. It has also taught me that if I work hard and stay dedicated, I too could be the next professional female wheelchair basketball player. ;) 


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